Marketing begins of the 154 unsubsidised homes that are to be built on Zorrotzaurre plot SI-5


Marketing begins of the 154 unsubsidised homes that are to be built on Zorrotzaurre plot SI-5


The property developer Mvre has begun marketing the 154 unsubsidised homes that will built in two blocks of 10 and 12 storeys, respectively, on Zorrotzaurre plot SI-5. The project comprises 2- and 3-bedroom dwellings which include a garage parking space and boxroom, the prices of which range from € 265,000 to €363,000.

Building work on these homes is expected to begin in the latter half of this year.

Visesa calls for tenders for the construction of 104 subsidised homes on Zorrotzaurre
The Zorrotzaurre Project is presented in the fourth meeting of the “Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth” forum, in Athens